Meeting up with one of our recent clients, Gabriella’s Kitchen! What an awesome line of products and great company!
The Source team was thrilled to be in attendance at two major Natural Health Product conventions in September. Marcel and Stuart were in sunny Baltimore at the Natural Product Expo from Sept 17-19, while Bernie, Stuart and Anne attended CHFA East in Toronto. We were so happy to meet up with our clients, current and past, as well as speak to so many people with a wide variety of unique and exciting products. We noticed a spike in organic grocery, functional foods, as well as gluten-free food tasting better than ever!
Social media continued to play a huge role in product branding, excitement and engagement. We were on trend with our #growincanadahashtag for our “Grow In Canada” campaign we saw lots of brands connecting creatively via social media (ourselves included).
In addition to all the great conversations, new products and networking (and even the tasty food) we were lucky to get to listen to keynote speaker, Josh Tetrick of Hampton Creek, the producer of “Just Mayo” vegan mayonnaise. Tetrick’s message, “What would it look like we started over” and their mantra of “eating well should be easy” was inspiring and a fantastic case study on innovation food brands in North America. Tetrick’s speech kicked off a fantastic day of learning and networking at the Natural Products Business School.
All and all, two very successful shows that we were so glad that we could attend.