Summer has arrived!
Sometimes there’s no better way to enjoy the season than sharing seasonal meals with friends and family. When most people think of summer food, they think of barbeque pork, grilled beef and hot dogs over an open fire. We do too! In fact, our team here at Source has an annual BBQ event we look forward to every year.
We would love to share some other nutritionally-beneficial and fresh suggestions to liven up your outdoor summer bash!

When life gives you Lemons
Bananas aren’t the only way to pump up potassium intake. Health Canada recommends a daily intake of 4700 mg each day. [1] In addition to vitamin c, lemons can provide potassium! Mix up a batch of fresh, summer lemonade sweetened with stevia; or add slices of lemon to your favourite home-brewed iced tea. A squeeze of fresh lemon adds bright contrast to fish, and adding some zest to salad dressings also goes a long way for taste and fragrance.

Can you make friends with salad?
We believe you can! With the right amount of seasonal produce, and fresh ingredients to compliment them; you can even surprise a meat-and-potatoes eater. Salads don’t have to be just lettuce. Grain-based salads can transform the meal experience to another place with ingredients like quinoa, bulgur or cracked-wheat. Toasted nuts add unique texture, taste and nutrition too. Or, try making a salad based with pulses like lentils or chickpeas. Not only are hey are rich in fibre and protein, they add a hearty texture and weight to an otherwise “everyday” daily vegetable intake.

I say Tomato
Nothing beats the peppery aroma, and the summer smell of fresh garden tomatoes. This fruit—that acts like a vegetable—is a power-house of nutrients and are so versatile because they are found in cuisine across the globe. Tomatoes contain all four major carotenoids: alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. [2] Consuming tomatoes and broccoli together have synergy that may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. [2] From salsa, to marinara, to Caprese; eating oodles of tomatoes, any way you can, is a wonderful thing.

Not just for Piña Coladas
Coconuts are synonymous with sunshine, sand and enjoying sunshine. Pure coconut water is light, refreshing and aids in digestion. While many of the marked health-claims associated with coconut water aren’t completely justified, it’s a better option than a sugary drink. And the stuff just tastes great. Next time you reach for a can of soda, maybe try some coconut water instead.
Put the lime in and shake it all up!

It’s Mint to be
Fresh mint isn’t just for chewing gum. The taste of fresh mint compliments almost any fruit you can whip up and char on the grill. You can also chop this green petal and sprinkle it into your favourite fruit salad for extra colour and a spark of excitement. It serves as a refreshing palate cleanser between courses, and also promotes digestion. It pairs wonderfully with lamb, crisp lime, fresh summer green peas and white dairy like feta or yogurt. Don’t forget to bruise up the rest and toss in a lakeside mojito!