If you’ve been following our blog, you’ll know that Health Canada launched public consultations on the strict regulation of additional cannabis classes, namely edible cannabis, cannabis extracts and cannabis topicals.

Our team at SNI foresees edible cannabis and cannabis extract fortification to be big business for innovative specialty food products. It’s difficult to say exactly how the regulations will end up at this point, but the cannabis regulations are currently in a consultation period taking place December 20, 2018 until February 20, 2019. They have been highly encouraged and promoted by Health Canada. It’s your last chance to have your say!
Edibles are expected to be on the legal market by October 17, 2019
What is in store for the industry? The Cannabis Regulations will be amended to add regulatory controls to address public health and public safety risks associated with these new classes of cannabis, including their appeal to youth and the risks of accidental consumption, overconsumption and foodborne illness. These controls will include specifics on product composition, tethahydrocannabinol (THC) limits, and new requirements pertaining to packaging and labelling, good production practices and record keeping which will be aligned to the Safe Food for Canadian’s Regulations.
Do you have an innovative cannabis product idea that you’d like to market? You may need help with Clinical Trials. Or maybe you’d like to wrap your head around the proposed regulations and limitations? Reach out to us! We’re happy to help guide you.