Conducting clinical research in the COVID-19 era certainly has its challenges!
Changes in study site capacities unfortunately has the potential to impact study timelines and budgets. We are pleased to have partnered with a new private medical clinic in Winnipeg which has hospital-grade ventilation and spacious rooms to ensure that all possible precautions can be taken.
Ensuring the safety of both our Research Team and study participants remains a top priority!
Our Clinical Trial Operations Team strictly follows local Shared Health recommendations relating to COVID-19, and have implemented the following protocols to minimize risk of COVID-19 while maintaining operational integrity:

- Enhanced screening measures, including health questionnaires prior to each study visit.
- Limiting the number of in-person visits as applicable, and completing certain visit elements (i.e., questionnaires) by telephone whenever possible.
- Ensuring our Clinical Trials Operations and Medical Teams have proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
- Social distancing within study visit(s) whenever possible.
- Keeping the number of participants at the study site at one time to a minimum.
- Enhanced cleaning of surfaces prior to (and following) participant visits.
The Source Clinical Trial Operations Team remains confident and capable in our ability to continue to manage and conduct clinical trials during the COVID-19 era!
If you are interested in learning more about our clinical trials services, reach out to our team today.