Another food label change has been announced for prepackaged foods in Canada, this time specific to daily values.
This is an important notice for food brands with products currently on the shelf, or soon-to-be-launched products, as these changes could affect the values in your Nutrition Facts Table (NFT).
(Note: this update is different from the recent Front-of-Package (FOP) Nutrition Label Requirements which we shared in a recent blog post.)
Background on the New %DVs
The Food Directorate’s Bureau of Nutritional Sciences has officially released an updated table of daily values, with changes to sodium and potassium for specific age groups.
As a reminder, daily values are found in the Nutrition Facts Table (expressed as %DV) and are required for certain nutrients.
The values that have changed are:

This means companies are required to update their food labels to reflect the new daily values.
What is the Timeline for Compliance?
Industry is given until January 1, 2026 to comply with the updated table of daily values. In the transition period, either the old value or new value can be used to calculate the % daily value declared on a food label.
Need Help with Food Label Compliance?
Moving forward, we will work with our clients to implement the new values on product labels. If you have any questions on what this means to you, or need help updating your labels, reach out to our regulatory team today!