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National Health & Fitness Day

National Health & Fitness Day

Each year, individuals across Canada celebrate National Health and Fitness Day (NHFD) on the first Saturday of June.

NHFD was created following the Vancouver Olympics in 2010, initially aiming to promote grassroot fitness movements. Quickly becoming a nationally recognized initiative, NHFD is an important opportunity to prioritize our health and wellness.

National Health and Fitness Day aims to promote better health among Canadians, therefore reducing the prevalence and severity of chronic disease in the population. The event encourages Canadians to find an activity they enjoy, highlighting the physical and mental benefits that accompany an active lifestyle.

ARE YOU READY TO JOIN THE MOVEMENT? Check out some of team SNI’s favourite ways to get active below!


ZUMBA - Get your dancing shoes on and elevate your heartbeat with this unique combination of cardio and Latin-dance. Zumba has many benefits, from building endurance to decreasing pain.


YOGA - Benefitting both the mind and the body, yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility. Yoga is a great option if you are looking to get active at home!


WALKING - Sometimes, the simplest changes can lead to noticeable improvements in our health. Did you know that walking 30 minutes a day can boost your heart health, decrease your risk of diabetes, and improve your mood? Challenge yourself to get your steps in!


BIKING - Cycling is a low-impact exercise, making it an excellent option for individuals who experience joint pain or strain. Pedaling utilizes every major muscle group while increasing stamina and aerobic ability.


SWIMMING - Is there anything better than escaping the heat and taking a dip? Swimming provides a whole-body workout and increases your heart rate while putting minimal stress on your body.

The ParticipACTION Community Challenge presented by Novo Nordisk encourages everyone to get active throughout June to help their community win the title and the grand prize of $100,000 to support local sport and physical activity initiatives.

The challenge is open to all communities and individuals, and all community events registered on the Challenge webpage from June 1 – 30 will count toward a community's total score. Visit ParticipACTION's website to see how you and your community could enter to win!


Join team SNI in our celebration of National Health and Fitness Day and our commitment to bettering our health and wellness!

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