We are Bringing the Best of Science to the Animal Health Market
As is the case for humans, cosmetic/grooming products for pets must meet the Food & Drugs Act, Canadian Cosmetic Regulations, and a range of guidance documents. Please check our Cosmetic Products webpage for additional information.
Health Canada has divided veterinary drugs into two categories depending on the risk they pose to your beloved friend: veterinary health products and veterinary drugs.
Both categories are evaluated by Health Canada for safety, efficacy, and quality and once they have passed government scrutiny are issued a product licence.

As a general guideline, veterinary health products contain ingredients such as:
- vitamins and minerals
- herbal remedies
- homeopathic medicines
- traditional medicines like traditional Chinese medicine
- probiotics
- other products like amino acids and essential fatty acids
The following products intended for animal use are also classified as cosmetics and are subject to the provisions of the Food & Drugs Act and Cosmetic Regulations including mandatory notification of all cosmetic products, safety of ingredients and products, as well as product labeling:
- Cleansing
- Improving or altering the complexion skin, hair, or teeth
- Deodorants and Perfumes

Canadian Pet Product services include:
- Product development consulting and strategic planning
- Classification of products for use in animals
- Product labeling compliance
- Veterinary Drug Applications and Submissions (New Drug and Abbreviated New Drug – generics)

US Pet Product services include:
- Product development consulting and strategic planning
- New Animal Drug Applications (NADA, Abbreviated NADA, Conditional Approval NADA)
- Medicated Animal Feeds Applications, Food Additive Petitions (FAP), and Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) Notices
- Veterinary Master Files (VMF)
- Veterinary Biologics Risk Analysis/Summary Information Formats
In the United States (U. S.) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) regulates two classes of products for use in animals: foods and drugs.
Depending on the intended use, an animal dietary supplement, a nutraceutical, or animal grooming products are considered either food or drug.
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act require that all animal food and drugs be approved by FDA’s CVM before they can be marketed. This pre-market review evaluates the safety, efficacy, and quality of products for use in animals.