We mentioned in July that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given manufacturers a deadline to implement Nutrition labelling changes, and we wanted to remind you that it is fast approaching. For most manufacturers, January 1, 2020 is the date for compliance to the new Nutrition facts label.

What changes can you expect to see?
- Updated serving sizes to better reflect how much people are eating.
- Larger and bold font for Calories and Serving Size, to help get important information upon first glance.
- Updated nutrient declarations – Vitamin A and C are no longer mandatory, but Vitamin D, potassium, and “added sugars” are.
- Revised nutrient values used to calculate the % Daily Value.
And in case you weren’t aware, very similar changes are being implemented for Canadian labelling Regulation as well.
The new labelling rules in Canada have a final deadline of December 2021, and they closely align with the relevant changes to the US labelling requirements. Canada has seen some formatting updates, as well as increased serving sizes and revised nutrient daily values.
Our team at Source can provide a Regulatory review of your label to ensure you are in compliance with the updated Regulations. Whether you are exploring the U.S. market, the Canadian market, or both, our team can help you understand your options and help get your products on the shelf quickly and with full Regulatory compliance!