Demystifying Canada’s Supplemented Food Regulations: PART II

Demystifying Canada’s Supplemented Food Regulations: PART II

Recently, we shared an overview of the new Supplemented Food Regulations, and what brands can expect in terms of ingredients, labelling, and product classification.  In other words, there’s a new regulatory pathway in town for these unique products in Canada! In this post, we tackle formulation challenges for supplemented foods…
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Demystifying Canada’s Supplemented Food Regulations: PART I

Demystifying Canada’s Supplemented Food Regulations: PART I

Earlier this year we informed you about the upcoming Supplemented Food Regulations and what to expect as a food or natural health brand. In this post, the first of a series, we delve deeper into the Supplemented Food Regulations to help you understand the nuances of this new category and…
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THIS JUST IN! Front-of-Package Nutrition Labelling, as part of Health Canada’s Healthy Eating Strategy, will be mandatory as of January 1, 2026 and the symbol is now finalized. The regulations with all details are set to be published in the Canada Gazette, Part II on July 20, 2022. The purpose of…
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Supplemented Food Regulations

Supplemented Food Regulations

There is a new pathway for your unique product! A regulatory framework to allow market access for supplemented foods without pre-market review and approval by Health Canada. Forget the Temporary Marketing Authorization! With the guidance of SNI’s regulatory team, your supplemented food product can be on Canadian shelves without further…
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Are your NFts Ready?

Are your NFts Ready?

In 2016, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced new food labelling regulations. Recognizing the industry would need time to pivot, the CFIA allowed for a five-year transition phase, ending December 2021. As a result of additional challenges, an extra year was given before enforcement action would be applied, but…
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Catch up on the Canadian Cannabis Industry!

Catch up on the Canadian Cannabis Industry!

On October of 2018, the Cannabis Regulations came into force, bringing major change to how cannabis is regulated in Canada. Legalization of different types of cannabis products for medical and recreational use was implemented in a step-wise manner, as follows: How has legalization of Cannabis impacted Canadians?? Adult Canadians (aged…
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Debunking bogus health claims

Debunking bogus health claims

With the holidays creeping around, many consumers are thinking of a New Year’s resolution. Most would say that their number one resolution is to become a healthier version of themselves. Whether that be exercising, dieting, or trying out supplements. Canadians spend hundreds of dollars each year on health products. It…
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Ingredients, Allergens and the Impact of Recalls

Ingredients, Allergens and the Impact of Recalls

More than 2.6 million Canadians live with food allergies, with over half of those being children [1]. While there is no cure for food allergies, it can be managed by avoiding the food allergen through carefully examining food labels. Food allergens can be present in the most unexpected places, so how…
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