Clinical trials have become an important component of product development and marketing. Selecting the right partner to conduct the clinical trial is essential, as the results can give support to a claim that may be added to a product. Health Canada allows marketing of products added with claims based on the substantiation.
Claims that could be admissible and supported by sound scientific research would lead to an exponential upswing of your product sales in the market. Conducting a high-quality clinical trial with resulting claims while providing great opportunity for a product’s success in the marketplace, will make your product unique and stand out amongst direct competition.
This helps attract the consumers who are looking for scientifically proven product claims!
Source Nutraceutical Inc. can review the nature of your product and possible claims that can be added. Based on this review, we will propose, provide direction and conduct the best suitable clinical trial that will help support the claims. Clinical trials with Source Nutraceutical Inc. support not only good science but also substantiate claims that pave a way for the product to reach the marketplace rapidly.
Whether you come to us with an idea/concept or a full plan, we can help design, manage and or run the clinical trial suited to your unique needs in an expedited way saving you both time and money. We offer high quality clinical trials for testing cosmetics, functional foods and beverages and natural health products for our clients to test their products in the “real world” to promote marketability with qualified claims backup.

Some additional points to consider:
Source Nutraceutical Inc., constitutes a team of well experienced people in the field of clinical trials and regulatory affairs. With this expertise, Source Nutraceutical Inc., will ensure to provide economically a very high-quality clinical trial outcome through optimized study design and conductance of the study in compliance with regulations. The final report with the outcomes of the study would be of great support in substantiating claims and satisfying any regulatory body around the globe.