In 2016, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced new food labelling regulations. Recognizing the industry would need time to pivot, the CFIA allowed for a five-year transition phase, ending December 2021.
As a result of additional challenges, an extra year was given before enforcement action would be applied, but that ‘grace period’ has now come to an end.
Beginning December 15, 2022, the CFIA will be taking steps to verify compliance.
Do YOU know everything that needs to change?

Avoid costly errors, fines and recalls. SNI are compliance experts, with over 20 years of packaging experience. We’re ready to roll with the new labelling regulations.
We will ensure your next packaging run is fully compliant and hassle-free.
We can start with a formulation review and nutritional analysis of your product. All nutrient values will then be accurately recorded in accordance with the new Nutrition Facts table (NFt) regulations.
Our SNI regulatory specialists will also ensure your ingredient lists meet current regulations, including standardized common names, sugar grouping and compliant allergen declarations.

All products sold in Canada require bilingual packaging. If your team does not have the capacity or ability to take this on, let us help.
SNI offers quality Canadian French translation, in addition to full regulatory and graphic design services.