Plant-Based Options for Barbecue Season

Plant-Based Options for Barbecue Season

Spring is here and with summer just around the corner, the smell of barbecue is in the air. Canada’s Food Guide recently suggested more plant protein, and whether you’re eating an entirely plant-based diet or are just curious about the options, you certainly won’t be missing out on any delicious…
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Adding a bit of Colour to your Ingredient List

Adding a bit of Colour to your Ingredient List

Ingredient lists in Canada are getting more colourful, but not in the way they look! The specific common names of all colouring agents must be used, as opposed to the formerly allowed (and very non-descriptive) “colour”.  With amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations coming into force December 2016, industry…
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Health Canada: Front-of-Package Labelling

Health Canada: Front-of-Package Labelling

Are you ready for another potentially huge change in food and beverage labelling? Health Canada is developing a healthy eating strategy aimed at improving the food environment in Canada and make it easier for Canadians to make healthier choices. Consultations have been underway for the past 2 years taking suggestions…
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